No prisoner exchange: not even 74 for 1
Brake on liberalism in the labor market
School and culture
Decided to demolish the house of Thiers
Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadula in memory of George Floyd at the MIA Fair in Milan
Peace signed between Germany and France
Women, meetings and clubs
At Fort d'Issy the situation is increasingly serious
The Mount of Piety
The chapel called "expiatoire de Louis XVI" will be destroyed
Municipal officials are prohibited from accumulating income
Le Fils du père Duchêne illustré
Abolished the political and professional oath of office for public employees
Public Health Committee Created
The typical communard is a Parisian worker of about thirty years old
Freemasons parade through Paris
Reorganization of the troops of the National Guard of the Commune de Paris
Decree prohibiting the system of fines in workshops
The problem with community schools
Requisition of vacant housing in Paris and ceasefire in Neuilly